Ctelo provides Microsoft Dynamics with phone connections in over 50 countries. Switchboards and call center solutions is a powerhouse of management and overview to companies. “Your customers get even better service with this solution”, CTO Jan A. Solvang in Ctelo says.
With the Ctelo Business Phone cloud service, Ctelo has taken Teams Telephony to a new level, and are now doing the same to Microsoft Dynamics. By connecting sales and call center service to telephony in the same global cloud telephony platform, Ctelo Voice, Ctelo Voice Channel for Dynamics is easy to activate and makes the job easier for everyone - both customers and your employees.
In addition, reception, switchboard, and the call center provider Zylinc are available through the Ctelo Voice Connect service for Zylinc Cloud. Thus, using Teams and Dynamics as communication tools most telephony needs a company may have can be solved.
“These cloud services are delivered from the same platform and customers can settle different needs in the company using one technology. From the simplest switchboard to the most advanced contact centers, as well as using built-in telephony functionality in Teams”, Solvang says.
Omnichannel for Microsoft Dynamics Customer Service is key to handling all customer inquiries in an efficient way.
“We connect directly to the customer service application. That is what we do. There´s a lot of advanced technology in this, but simply explained, in combination with Teams and switchboard technology, the solution can route company's customers to the right person and expertise”, Solvang says.
All channels
Omnichannel in Dynamics is a solution that allows customers to be treated equally, regardless of which channel they use to make contact - telephone, website, chat, SMS, e-mail, or social media.
“With today's many means of contact, it is important to be able to handle all inquiries equally, regardless of channel. Telephony is still an important carrier for getting help or answers, and with the Ctelo Voice Channel you can continue to use your existing and known telephone numbers in Dynamics”, Solvang says.
Ctelo is independent of telecom operators and can connect to any operator, anywhere in the world, and companies can continue to use existing and incorporated telephone numbers on all services in Ctelo Voice platform.
On the timeline
Solvang points out that by using Dynamics Sales and Customer Service, alone or separately, all activity with colleagues, partners, suppliers, and customers is automatically registered in the company's solution.
“Hence, information becomes more available to the entire company. All dialogue is logged, which means you have all conversations and inquiries in a timeline in Dynamics”, Solvang says.
Direct order
Ctelo is a Microsoft Independent Software Vendor (ISV). This means both companies and Microsoft resellers can find Ctelo's products on Microsoft's marketplaces. There they can be ordered directly or added to an established agreement with the company's chosen Microsoft Licensing Partner. Microsoft Appsource can be compared to the Apple Store, where the latter has the business market as core target.
“Now Ctelo Voice Channel and other services on Ctelo Voice platform can be ordered in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Together with Microsoft, we can be innovative and forward-looking and have made these services available internationally. They can now be bought in 52 countries worldwide”, Solvang says.
“Remember, we are a producer of cloud services. This makes it easy for companies to adopt the services and handle licensing in an existing agreement with their Microsoft Partner”, he adds.
To users, this is about digitalization of telephony, which by its nature is an analogue "one on one" service. The pandemic changed user patterns of employees dramatically, and in many companies, they already interact digitally in other areas than by phone when communicating with others.
“Our job is to make the last part of the interaction, i.e., telephony, a natural part of the digital interaction throughout the company. Then the telephony gains digital interaction properties”, Solvang asserts.
